Market participants that enter into transactions which need to be reported to the Agency, shall register with the National Regulatory Authority (NRA) in the Member State in which they are established or resident or, if they are not established or resident in the Union, in a Member State in which they are active. A market participant shall register only with one NRA. NRAs shall transmit the information in their national registers to the Agency. Based on that information, the Agency establishes a European register of market participants which may be made public fully or partly. The publishing of the European register of market participants improves the transparency of wholesale energy markets. It also makes it possible for market participants to access information that they need in order to complete their registration, and to comply with their obligations under REMIT and the Regulation amending REMIT. The information available reflects all currently registered market participants. However some market participants may not yet have registered for various reasons, or their registration may be pending. For detailed information see Article 9 of REMIT, amended in the [ Regulation amending REMIT ].